Indigo Lo – White Noise Pollution
Ich musste sofort an Blackmail denken, als ich ‚White Noise Pollution‘ von INDIGO LO gehört habe. Der Track ist so schnörkellos und geht einfach nur straight gerade aus. Und der Song transportiert auch noch eine wichtige Botschaft, wie es Frontmann und Songwriter Joe Grimshaw erklärt: „‘White Noise Pollution’ is about control had by whoever’s at the top; looking at the impact that their decisions have on lives on a more personal level. I guess whatever was going on at the time made me feel the need to write it, and everyone was feeling weird around that point in autumn 2015. It was only when sh*t started to get even more real a couple of months after, that the song became more pertinent. It came to life when working on it with (producer) Matt, and he really gave it that sense of grandeur.“