Public Body – Formica
Die Band Public Body hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Soundtrack für unseren ‚9 to 5 Job‘ zu schreiben. Es geht um den Haufen ungelesener Emails, Time- und Deadlines. ‚Formica‘ bündelt diesen ganzen sinnlosen Stress und heraus kommt dieser energische Post-Punk mit Math Attitüde. Worum es in ‚Formica‘ geht, erklärt uns Sänger Gilmore: „This song is about a Twitter Dad, a man who tweets financial and life advice: ‚If you’re not thinking about INVESTING, CRYPTO, MAKING MONEY you’re doing it wrong.‘ But how do you invest if you have no money? This song is about a poor ignorant Dad who gets tricked by a Troll on Twitter, he believes everything the Twitter Dad had to say, this included taking out loans with high APR and interest rates and in turn gets his home and car repossessed by the bank.“