CategoriesSONGS · VIDEO

Middle Kids – Highlands

Wer sich einmal in den Middle Kids Sound verliebt hat, der wird sie immer lieben. So geht es mir seit Tag 1 mit der Band rund um Sängerin Hannah Joy. Die Band aus Down Under wird einfach nicht müde und schreibt weiterhin Hits, Hits, Hits. ‚Highlands‘ ist ihr neuestes Werk und Hannah klärt uns auf, worum es geht: „Since I was young, I’ve had this yearning to be free. In this song I used an image of the highlands as a euphoric place where I have the space to be me, and you have the space to be you. Part of the imagery comes from my Scottish heritage, which my grandmother was always so proud of. I recorded some big slow piano chords which Tim mangled into the atmospheric hits in the intro.When we finished the song with Jon Gilmore in the UK he thought it was important that the song felt punky, like a bunch of teenagers practicing in their garage. So, there are these 2 energies fighting it out – the constricted energy of the domestic space and the wide open energy of the highlands. We have a friend who calls this kind of music yearncore. It’s that impatient energy that says I can’t keep waiting, I need a change.“.